This weekend I went to Fall Youth Event. At the event I learned about Emmanuel Jal, who was a child soldier in the Sudan. He was rescued by a British Aid worker named Emma. You may wander what your purpose in life is or question the meaning of life. There are two important rules to life that I learned about this weekend. 1) Build healthy relationships with others, 2) Live for a cause. The people surrounding us will mold us or will break us. Life is about helping others, serving others, and showing the love of Christ. Surround yourself with people that will help mold you and uplift you. Hang out with those that will make you a better person. "Live for a cause that is bigger then yourself." The second rule is to live for a cause. We all have different desires in life. We all have our needs and wants; and we all have certain goals that we want to achieve. Why would we want to live for a cause that is bigger then ourself??? I believe that God created us to be more then just mediocre (Average). God doesn't want us to have easy dreams and easy goals. He does not want us to be average, or just making it. God created us all to live with a purpose that is beyond our own selfish desires. Even when we are the bottom of the barrel God chooses the weak to put to shame the wise. He uses the weak to show His power and glory. Choose to have big dreams; choose to live a life serving a cause that is bigger then your own flesh and strength. See what the Lord will do when you put your Trust in Him. Emma has lived her life serving a cause that is more powerful and deadly then her own strength could carry her. It is amazing what Love can do. FREEDOM!!!
"This is why we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hopes in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers." 1 Timothy 4:10